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Whites & Woods
Photos courtesy Deb Robert and Sonja Schindeler

White Rodeo Mixed Doubles Exhibition
Photos courtesy Sonja Schindeler

Set Up Day
Photos and captions courtesy Deb Robert

Helping Hands

Album Photos: Click/tap on any thumbnail to enlarge. You can then scroll through the album using the < Previous Next > prompts.

16 photo(s) Updated on: April 23, 2017
  • Almost done!
  • And the Winner is ...
  • Commitment
  • Found you
  • Getting Organized
  • It's about time
  • Ladder Convention
  • Men with Zip Ties
  • Owl Whisperer
  • The President & First Lady
  • Score ... What Score?
  • Teamwork
  • The Clean Team
  • Three Men and a Ladder
  • We've got this!
  • You're in!

Spring Social
Photos courtesy Deb Robert

Registration Day
Photos courtesy Deb Robert

Registration Day
Photos courtesy Deb Robert
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